Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapy for Adults with Brain Injury

Commonly following a neurological incident, a patient may experience changes in communication and cognitive abilities.
Commonly following a neurological incident, a patient may experience changes in communication and cognitive abilities. Some examples of neurological incidents may include stroke, concussion, traumatic brain injury, brain tumor, mild cognitive impairment and/or anoxia. If a patient is experiencing any difficulties in communication and/or cognition, it is recommended that the patient receive Cognitive Rehabilitation, or Cognitive Therapy in order to help restore their functioning.
traumatic brain injury

Cognitive rehabilitation is intervention provided by a clinician to improve a patient’s cognitive and communication abilities. Cognitive and communication difficulties can include, but are not limited to, deficits in attention, memory, executive functioning, problem solving, organization, flexibility, abstract reasoning, comprehension, word retrieval, processing speed and awareness. Cognitive difficulties can impact a person’s functional performance in all environments and can make conversations in medical settings, at work, at home and in social situations difficult.

Within therapy the clinician assists with strategy development to help compensate for the deficits a patient is experiencing, as well as working towards restoring the patient’s abilities to maximize everyday functioning. Goals will vary patient to patient, but overall cognitive rehabilitation is personalized individual treatment targeting deficits in areas of cognition and communication to increase the patient’s independence and quality of life.

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