Preschool Special Education For Children with Special Needs Ages: 3-5

preschool special education
Buffalo Hearing & Speech Center’s preschool special education programs provide supportive, nurturing classrooms that focus on children’s social and emotional development using the DIR/Floortime Approach. Through a play-based learning environment, children acquire important skills such as engaging with others, playing with toys, sharing, and turn taking, in addition to using gestures, signs, pictures, or words to communicate with peers and adults. Activities and lessons are developed to capitalize on each child’s strengths while helping to remediate areas of need. All staff utilize teaching strategies that support developmentally appropriate practices along with opportunities for sensory and hands-on learning.
Preschool Programs For Children with Special Needs
Our classes are comprised of a high staff to student ratio and a multidisciplinary team working together to meet the child’s needs and attain Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) goals through intensive individualized and/or co-treatment therapy sessions. Each classroom team includes a Special Education Teacher, Teacher Aide, Speech-Language Pathologist, Occupational Therapist, Social Worker, Music Therapist, Physical Therapist, and the parents. Using a wide array of materials and equipment to assist in maximizing learning, the children are engaged in activities that are highly motivating and socially interactive.
preschool special education
The therapy rooms and classrooms are organized to provide students with a multi-sensory environment that promotes the child’s interests, relaxation, intellectual activity, therapeutic and educational needs.
Preschool Programs For Children with Special Needs preschool special education

Parents play an extremely significant role in their child’s program. The team works with the family to educate them on ways to manage behavioral challenges and how to support their child at home. This helps to foster and maintain a positive working relationship with staff.

Children may or may not have a diagnosis to be enrolled in this program.  The curriculum is in alignment with the New York State Next Generation Standards.  Funding is provided by the NYS Education Department.

Preschool Programs For Children with Special Needs

We Believe...

  • Children take the lead by choosing activities/toys of interest to them.
  • Sensory integration is a key element of the program.
  • Establishing social awareness and interactions leads to meaningful learning.
Preschool Programs For Children with Special Needs

How Can I Get My Child Enrolled in This Program?

Children ages 3 to 5 years, with communication and/or developmental delays who need intensive special education services may be eligible. If you have concerns about your child's development or would like to inquire about an evaluation, contact your home school districts Committee on Preschool Special Education.
For more information about the Program or to learn more about the process of enrollment, please contact BHSC’s Early Childhood Program at (716) 885-8318.
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