Music Therapy Services

Music therapy is an integrated service in both the Preschool and Primary School classroom programs at Buffalo Hearing & Speech Center.

Music therapy services are also available in our Community Services programs to those with a need as indicated on the child’s Individual Education Plan (IEP). Music therapists are credentialed professionals who have completed an approved music therapy program and are certified through the Certification Board for Music Therapists.
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Music is fun and engaging for students and it is a powerful way to help address physical, psychological, cognitive, behavioral and social functioning. Music therapists involve children in singing, listening, moving, playing, and in creative activities that may help them become better learners. Music therapists work on developing a child’s self-awareness, confidence, readiness skills, coping skills, and social behavior. They explore which styles of music, techniques and instruments are most effective or motivating for each child, and expand upon the child’s natural, spontaneous play in order to address areas of need.
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School and Clinic Locations

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