Therapeutic Listening Sensory Integration
Sensory Integration is the ability to organize sensory input from the body and the environment and to incorporate it adaptively in meaningful occupations.
Many experts agree that the auditory system is a critical link in sensory integration theory; in optimal, everyday listening, we attend selectively to auditory information and integrate it with other salient information from the other senses.
BHSC offers Therapeutic Listening as an adjunct to support a child’s occupational therapy sessions. This is a highly specialized individualized augmentative treatment to expedite facilitation of sensory integration. Therapeutic Listening is an enhancement application to your child’s current sensory integration therapy treatment. Therapeutic Listening is not intended to be a stand-alone treatment, but rather to solidify skills facilitated by listening to enhanced music, with a core-based sensory diet home program. Therapeutic Listening enhancement is a fluid process, in that many program changes are made during the course of your child’s treatment with individualized music selections, treatment modifications/adaptations.

- attention
- praxis
- organized behavior
- fine motor control
- self-regulation
- oral motor/articulation
- postural controlÂ
- social skills/communication
- bilateral coordinationÂ
- visual motor integration
School and Clinic Locations
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At Buffalo Hearing & Speech Center, we are dedicated to helping you overcome any hearing, speech, communication, or educational need you have. Call us to speak with a Specialist or Write Us A Message.
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