Milestones for Fine Motor Skills
If your child is exhibiting difficulties in any of these areas, occupational therapy can help. Our therapists offer individual and group occupational therapy sessions. Contact us at (716) 885-8318, ext. 4154 to schedule an evaluation.
- Reflexive grasp (at birth)
- Global ineffective reach for objects (3 months)
- Voluntary grasp (3 months)
- 2 handed palmar grasp (3 months)
- 1 handed palmar grasp (5 months)
- Controlled reach (6 months)
- Poor muscle development
- Delayed ability to play independently
- Delayed sensory development due to delayed interaction with toys and other sensory objects
- Reaches, grasps, puts object in mouth
- Controlled release of objects
- Pincer grasp
- Picks things up with pincer grasp (thumb and one finger)
- Transfers object from one hand to the other
- Drops and picks up toy
- Poor muscle development
- Delayed ability to play independently
- Delayed sensory development due to delayed interaction with toys and other sensory objects
- Builds tower of three small blocks
- Puts four rings on stick
- Places five pegs in pegboard
- Turns pages two or three at a time
- Scribbles
- Turns knobs
- Paints with whole arm movement, shifts hands, makes strokes
- Self-feeds with minimal assistance
- Able to use signing to communicate
- Brings spoon to mouth
- Holds and drinks from cup independently
- Poor development of hand and finger strength
- Delayed independent play skills
- Delayed development of self-care skills such as eating
- Delayed manipulation skills
- Strings four large beads
- Turns single pages
- Snips with scissors
- Holds crayon with thumb and fingers (not fist)
- Uses one hand consistently in most activities
- Imitates circular, vertical, horizontal strokes
- Paints with some wrist action, makes dots, lines, circular strokes
- Rolls, pounds, squeezes, and pulls play dough
- Eats without assistance
- Delayed self-care skills such as eating
- Delayed pre-writing skills development
- Delayed manipulation of small objects such as toys, pencils and scissors
- Frustration when manipulating small toys and objects
- Builds tower of nine small blocks
- Copies circle
- Imitates cross
- Manipulates clay material (rolls balls, makes snakes, cookies)
- Uses non dominant hand to assist and stabilize the use of objects
- Snips paper using scissors
- Delayed pre-writing skills development
- Frustration and/or avoidance of pencil based tasks
- Poor pencil grasp and pencil control
- Poor self-care skills such as eating
- Delayed drawing skills
- Cuts on line continuously
- Copies cross
- Copies square
- Writes name
- Writes numbers 1-5
- Copies letters
- Handedness well established
- Dresses and undresses independently
- Difficulties holding and manipulating a pencil
- Difficulties learning to write name and other letters of the alphabet Dependence on caregivers for every day activities such as dressing
- Frustration and/or avoidance of pencil based tasks
- Cuts out simple shapes
- Copies triangle
- Colors within lines
- Uses a 3 fingered grasp of pencil and uses fingers to generate movement
- Pastes and glues appropriately
- Can draw basic pictures
- Difficulties learning to form letters correctly
- Poor handwriting
- Difficulties demonstrating academic ability on paper
- Fatigue during pencil based tasks
- Frustration and/or avoidance of pencil based tasks
- Forms most letters and numbers correctly
- Writes consistently on the lines
- Demonstrates controlled pencil movement
- Good endurance for writing
- Can build Lego, knex and other blocks independently
- Tie Shoe Laces
- Difficulties getting ideas down on paper
- Experiencing fatigue during handwriting tasks
- Difficulty keeping up in class due to slow handwriting speed
- Poor legibility of handwriting
- May impact on self-esteem when comparing work to peers
- Possible frustration and/or behavior difficulties due to avoidance of pencil based tasks
Maintains legibility of handwriting for entirety of a story
- Difficulty completing handwriting tasks in a timely manner
- Experiencing fatigue during handwriting tasks
- Poor academic achievement due to difficulty getting ideas down on paper
- Difficulties due to avoidance of pencil based tasks
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