Developmental Resources

Developmental Resources

BHSC is committed to providing resources to help our families and caregivers care for their children. We strongly believe that knowledge is a powerful tool. We are making resources available that can provide critical support to our students and families during this time when early support is key to their developmental success. We use terms such as Autism, DIR-Floortime, Milestones for Speech, Fine Motor, and Gross Motor Skills, they sound confusing and overwhelming but with these resources available we hope to provide you with information that will make it less so. Please click the links below to find out more information.


What is AutismLearn More

Does My Child Have A Hearing Loss?

Does my child have a hearing lossLearn More

What is the Floortime-DIR Approach?

What is the DIR Floortime approachLearn More

Milestones for
Fine Motor Skills

Milestones for fine motor skillsLearn More

Milestones for
Gross Motor Skills

Milestones for Gross motor skillsLearn More

Milestones for
Speech and Language

milestones for speech an languageLearn More

School and Clinic Locations

Let Us Help

At Buffalo Hearing & Speech Center, we are dedicated to helping you overcome any hearing, speech, communication, or educational need you have.  Call us to speak with a Specialist or Write Us A Message.

The solution starts here!

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School and Clinic Locations

Let Us Help

At Buffalo Hearing & Speech Center, we are dedicated to helping you overcome any hearing, speech, communication, or educational need you have.  Call us to speak with a Specialist or Write Us A Message.

The solution starts here!

Hello in multiple languages
Have questions? Want to tell us something?
Looking for advice?
Write Us a Message!