Developmental Milestones For Gross Motor Skills
0 - 6 Months
Developmental Milestone
- Rolls over front to back and back to front
- Sits with support and then independently
Possible implications if milestones not achieved
- Poor muscle development for locomotion
- Delayed ability to play independently
6 - 12 Months
Developmental Milestone
- Crawls forwards on belly
- Assumes a seated position unaided
- Creeps on hands and knees
- Transitions into different positions: sitting, all fours, lying on tummy
- Pulls self to stand
- Walks while holding onto furniture
- Takes 2-3 steps without support
- Rolls a ball in imitation of an adult
Possible implications if milestones not achieved
- Delayed sensory development due to delayed interaction with toys and other sensory objects
- Poor muscle development
- Delayed play skills
18 months
Developmental Milestone
- Sits, crawls, walks
- Still has wide gait but walking/running is less clumsy
- Pushes against a ball (does not actually kick it)
Possible implications if milestones not achieved
- Delayed play skills
- Difficulty interacting with the environment due to delayed ability to mobilize effectively
- Poor muscle development
2 Years
Developmental Milestone
- Walks smoothly and turns corners
- Begins running
- Is able to pull or carry a toy while walking
- Climbs onto/down from furniture without assistance
- Walks up and down steps with support
- Picks up toys from the floor without falling over
Possible implications if milestones not achieved
- Poor muscle development for running and jumping
- Delayed ability to play independently and interact with the environment
- Decreased ability to interact socially
3 Years
Developmental Milestone
- Imitates standing on one foot
- Imitates simple bilateral movements of limbs (e.g., arms up together)
- Climbs jungle gym and ladders
- Pedals on tricycle
- Walks up/down stairs alternating feet
- Jumps in place with two feet together
- Able to walk on tip toes
- Catches using body
Possible implications if milestones not achieved
- Decreased opportunities for social interaction
- Poor development of body awareness and movement planning skills
- Difficulties using playground equipment
- Difficulties or lack of confidence
- Difficulties or lack of confidence interacting with other children in active environments (e.g. play cafes, playgrounds)
4 Years
Developmental Milestone
- Stands on one foot for up to 5 seconds
- Kicks a ball forwards
- Throws a ball overarm
- Catches a ball that has been bounced
- Runs around obstacles
- Able to walk on a line
- Able to hop on one foot
- Jumps over an object and lands with both feet together
Possible implications if milestones not achieved
- Lack of confidence in movement based activities
- Difficulties using playground equipment
- Difficulties or lack of confidence interacting with other children in active environments (e.g. play cafes, playgrounds)
5 Years
Developmental Milestone
- Able to walk up stairs while holding an object
- Walks backward toe-heel
- Jumps forward 10 times without falling
- Skips forwards after demonstration
- Hangs from a bar for at least 5 seconds
- Steps forward with leg on same side as throwing arm when throwing a ball
- Catches a small ball using hands only
Possible implications if milestones not achieved
- May result in poor self-esteem when comparing self to peers
- Lack of confidence in movement based activities
- Difficulties participating in sporting activities
- Difficulties playing with moving toys such as bikes and scooters
6 Years
Developmental Milestone
- Runs lightly on toes
- Able to walk on a balance beam
- Able to skip using a skipping rope
- Can cover 2 meters hopping
- Demonstrates mature throwing and catching patterns
- Mature jumping
Possible implications if milestones not achieved
- Difficulty participating in sporting activities
- May result in poor self-esteem when comparing self to peers
- Lack of confidence in movement based activities
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